27 January 2011

Sweet Tea and Sour Apples.

I should share with you the reason I chose this particular title for my blog, so here we go:
It’s really funny that Caleb and i made the connection around the same time that we are both from the opposite parts of the country. I mean really, he’s from Savannah, Georgia, and I’m from Poulsbo (Seattle area), Washington… we couldn’t get any further apart… unless I was from Alaska and he was from Florida… but we aren’t, so there.
For weeks I have been trying to come up with a theme for our wedding invitations, and just today I came up with Sweet Tea and Sour Apples. It makes sense too, Caleb LOVES sweet tea, I mean hes love LOVES it and so do I, and I come from a state where we produce Apples of every kind… so it makes sense. That and i couldn’t think of anything to go along with Georgia Peaches… It’s also funny how we are “uniting” Northwest and Southeast… now, I know we aren’t the only people that have gotten together from different parts of the country, but it’s really ironic in my family.
I guess I’m just passing on the “tradition” because my mom is from Rhode Island and my BioDad is from Washington, and my step dad is from San Diego, California. So in a sense I am just going with what everyone else has done… but it’s funny I think of this NOW. I really had one of those “Light bulb” moments where i wanted to shout out “EUREKA!!!” but I did not because as I was respecting my sister’s whis to sleep in until noon :p  
So of course, going along with this “theme” I will be having some Sweet Tea and Apples served at my wedding… now to look up recipes that have apples in them so I can start on our menu. Yay, off I go… to the next tab where I will stare aimlessly until my eyes cross :)  

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